How do I get invited to this Conference call?

November 23rd, 2008

AT Conference

The conference call industry will be a natural hotbed of headset activity, so I’ll keep you posted as new cases arise.

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Headset? Check. Hotness? I’ll let this one slide.

November 3rd, 2008

Hot? Not particularly. Mysterious? Oh heeeellll yeah. You can’t even see the eyes, they could be off getting laid or doing a drug deal or something. Mystery is sexy in some circles, so I’m going to count this one anyway. I just can’t turn down a customer service rep wearing a headset on a corporate website.


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Health Insurance Hottie

October 30th, 2008

Not feeling well? You need a Health Insurance Headset Hottie!

Health Insurance Hottie

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Conference of Hotties

September 17th, 2008

Here we have an entry from up-and-coming Headset Hottie Spotter Patrick Marzullo.



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Headset Redux

September 8th, 2008

Stock photography at it’s finest – this lady was documented previously back in episode 17 of headset hotties.

Career Builder

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